Pre-Sue Report


When all avenues and normal methods of attempting to collect a debt have been exhausted, it is extremely important to establish whether the debtor actually has the ability to pay off monies owed.

A Pre sue report assesses an individual’s likelihood to pay. The status of an individual or business, including details of any known assets such as property, liabilities and their employment status will be verified where possible.

  • The debtor’s full name and date of birth
  • The debtor’s current residential address along with confirmation of previous addresses
  • The subject’s current employment status along with employer’s details
  • Directors search including full details of any connected companies
  • Land Registry searches detailing ownership of all confirmed linked addresses
  • Details of any CCJs against the subject including the value of the judgement, the date, court and case number.
  • Bankruptcy and Insolvency searches.
  • Confirmation of other trading addresses and details of other business interests or partnerships.
  • Location of other properties owned by the subject and details of sales.
  • Mobile or other telephone numbers and email addresses.

All enquires are handled in a highly discreet and professional manner by our experienced tracing agents and are undertaken within the strict provisions laid down by the Data Protection Act and the Credit Services Association.

For more information about this service please get in touch  020 7186